If you have a blog or plan to start one, consider these five ways to increase your blog’s visibility:

  1. SEO Optimization – Search engine optimization (SEO) for your blog goes beyond just keyword research for your title and copy. It involves meta descriptions, alt text for photos, internal and external links, and more. Be sure to optimize your blog’s SEO options before posting.
  2. Sharing Tools – Blogs are meant to be shareable content, so make it easy for your readers to share the blogs that they like by including social sharing tools. This allows readers to be able to post your blog to social media, social bookmarking, or email it to a friend, co-worker, etc. at the touch of a button.
  3. Post to Social Media – One of the key ways to help increase your blog’s visibility is by posting it to your social media outlets. This may include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Not only does this increase exposure to your followers but it encourages them to share with their own friends and followers.
  4. Post to Social Bookmarking – Another important way to share your blog is through social bookmarking resources like Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, and more. These bookmarking sites allow you to reach a wider audience with your blog, as well as push traffic back to your website.
  5. Guest Blogging – Collaborating with other bloggers is a good way to increase your blog’s visibility through other bloggers established readership. Also, have guest bloggers on your own blog, this will help bring a fresh perspective and new material to your content.

Learn more about blogging content and promotion by visiting www.mill-im.com/blogging.

Image courtesy of winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net