Retweets help build your influence in the Twittersphere and extend your reach to potential new followers, ultimately, growing your follower base. There are a multitude of different things you can do to garner more retweets on Twitter. Here are some of the basic steps you can take to get retweets:

  • Ask for retweets. You can get retweets by simply (and politely) asking for it. Add a call-to-action to your tweets. Your followers are more likely to engage when you prompt them. Use a call-to-action like “please retweet” or “RT” to prompt retweets.
  • Retweet other posts. What goes around comes around, especially when it comes to retweets. By retweeting others posts, you are more likely yourself to earn retweets from your followers and those you follow.
  • Keep tweets short. By keeping your tweets short, you allow room for users to retweet your message more efficiently. Try to keep tweets between 70-100 characters to allow users to include RT, @username, and add a comment to your post.
  • Make use of hashtags. According to research, tweets that incorporate hashtags are more likely to be retweeted and inspire interaction. Keep in mind to use your hashtags wisely, choose one or two that are most fitting to your message.
  • Give thanks for retweets. Social media etiquette is important, especially when it comes to building your following. If someone retweets one of your messages, send them a quick thanks!

What advice would you give for getting more retweets?

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