You want readers to come, stay, and engage in your blog content. The way to do this is through personable, creative content that is informative and most importantly, human.

Here are three ways to create personable blog content:

  1. Find your voice: This is perhaps the most important part of creating a personable and likeable blog. Whether you’re funny, witty, cynical, nerdy, or all around friendly, your blog should convey your personality and unique tone. Not only will this make it memorable for the reader, but it will often entice them to come back and revisit your blog if they have a good initial experience.
  2. Relate to the reader: What will engage a reader more times than not is content that they can relate to. Tell a story about yourself, something that happened at the office, create a great analogy, or provide examples that will help the reader better relate to your content. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t write anything you wouldn’t want your boss or grandma to read, keep it personal yet professional.
  3. Incorporate a call-to-action: Readers want to engage in content that is informative and relevant. Your blog should always include a call-to-action that inspires further conversation of your content. Encourage readers to comment, provide their opinion, ask questions, etc. There’s nothing more gratifying than getting a good conversation started from your most recent blog.

Do you agree with these three ways to create personable blog content? How do you relate to your readers and inspire them to further engage?

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono at